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HF Analysis Program

portability of the personal computer together with the integrated
software package, HFDAP
(HydroFrac Data Analysis Program), designed specifically for
for identifying the key test parameters and stress calculations,
enable the field practitioner to perform stress calculations
on site.
Data Analysis Program |
included are the pressure-decay-rate vs. pressure(dp/dt),
and the pressure vs. flowrate methods (pq). The fracture reopening
pressure is determined using a numerical superposition routine
of the pressure-time curves during fracture initiation and
fracture reopening or by the dP/dQ method. The orientation
of the fracture is determined by circular statistics or by
sinusoidal curve fitting depending on whether the fracture
is vertical or inclined, respectively.
HFDAP also includes HTPF stress calculation suggested by Cornet
and Valette (1984). A theoretical relationship between the
fracture normal stress and the shut-in pressure in inclined
fracture plane is used to calculate the state of stress.